Innovating Greener Catalytic Processes for Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Storage and Hydrogen Production
Our laboratory is well-equipped with various instruments for heterogeneous catalyst testing, materials characterization as well as hollow fiber membrane fabrication. Please contact Kang Hui (e0030027 at for any queries regarding instrument status and usage.
Catalytic reactors:

4-channel, high-pressure (50 bar) reactor system with automatic valve switching and TCD-FID characterization

8-channel ambient-pressure reactor system with automatic valve switching and TCD-FID or GC-MS characterization

Lab-scale prototype catalytic membrane reactor for hydrogen production

Lab-scale biomass gasifier for hydrogen production (capacity ca. 3 kg/h of feedstock)

Benchtop semibatch reactor for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

Plasma generator for catalyst treatment and plasma catalysis

Photothermal reactor (integrated light source and furnace) for investigating the effect of irradiation on continuous-flow, packed-bed reactions
Analytical instruments:

Shimadzu TG/DTA analyzer (DTG-60)​
Shimadzu GC-MS system for online gas analysis​
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 for static physisorption studies

Shimadzu powder XRD for small- and wide-angle measurements​

Bruker Vertex system (with Harrick Praying Mantis cell) for ex-situ and in-situ ​FTIR measurements

Thermo Fisher TPDRO system for temperature-programmed and pulse measurements

Shimadzu in-situ DRS UV-vis

Electro Chemical Station

In-situ Raman Labram HR800
Membrane Fabrication:

Automated hollow-fiber membrane spinner

High-temperature furnace with gas atmosphere

Automatic Dip Coating
Catalyst Fabrication:

Ball Milling

Muffled Furnaces


Rotary Evaporator
Vacuum Oven


Microwave reactor

Plasma Cleaner

Freeze Dryer

Glove Box